Source code for chemprop.interpret

import math
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem

from chemprop.args import InterpretArgs
from import get_data_from_smiles, get_header, get_smiles, MoleculeDataLoader, MoleculeDataset
from chemprop.train import predict
from chemprop.utils import load_args, load_checkpoint, load_scalers, timeit

C_PUCT = 10

[docs]class ChempropModel: """A :class:`ChempropModel` is a wrapper around a :class:`~chemprop.models.model.MoleculeModel` for interpretation.""" def __init__(self, args: InterpretArgs) -> None: """ :param args: A :class:`~chemprop.args.InterpretArgs` object containing arguments for interpretation. """ self.args = args self.train_args = load_args(args.checkpoint_paths[0]) # If features were used during training, they must be used when predicting if ((self.train_args.features_path is not None or self.train_args.features_generator is not None) and args.features_generator is None): raise ValueError('Features were used during training so they must be specified again during prediction ' 'using the same type of features as before (with --features_generator <generator> ' 'and using --no_features_scaling if applicable).') if self.train_args.atom_descriptors_size > 0 or self.train_args.atom_features_size > 0 or self.train_args.bond_descriptors_size > 0 or self.train_args.bond_features_size > 0: raise NotImplementedError('The interpret function does not yet work with additional atom or bond features') self.scaler, self.features_scaler, self.atom_descriptor_scaler, self.bond_descriptor_scaler, self.atom_bond_scaler = load_scalers(args.checkpoint_paths[0]) self.checkpoints = [load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, device=args.device) for checkpoint_path in args.checkpoint_paths] def __call__(self, smiles: List[str], batch_size: int = 500) -> List[List[float]]: """ Makes predictions on a list of SMILES. :param smiles: A list of SMILES to make predictions on. :param batch_size: The batch size. :return: A list of lists of floats containing the predicted values. """ test_data = get_data_from_smiles(smiles=smiles, skip_invalid_smiles=False, features_generator=self.args.features_generator) valid_indices = [i for i in range(len(test_data)) if test_data[i].mol is not None] test_data = MoleculeDataset([test_data[i] for i in valid_indices]) if self.train_args.features_scaling: test_data.normalize_features(self.features_scaler) if self.train_args.atom_descriptor_scaling and self.args.atom_descriptors is not None: test_data.normalize_features(self.atom_descriptor_scaler, scale_atom_descriptors=True) if self.train_args.bond_descriptor_scaling and self.args.bond_descriptors_size > 0: test_data.normalize_features(self.bond_descriptor_scaler, scale_bond_descriptors=True) test_data_loader = MoleculeDataLoader(dataset=test_data, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=self.args.num_workers) sum_preds = [] for model in self.checkpoints: model_preds = predict( model=model, data_loader=test_data_loader, scaler=self.scaler, disable_progress_bar=True ) sum_preds.append(np.array(model_preds)) # Ensemble predictions sum_preds = sum(sum_preds) avg_preds = sum_preds / len(self.checkpoints) return avg_preds
[docs]class MCTSNode: """A :class:`MCTSNode` represents a node in a Monte Carlo Tree Search.""" def __init__(self, smiles: str, atoms: List[int], W: float = 0, N: int = 0, P: float = 0) -> None: """ :param smiles: The SMILES for the substructure at this node. :param atoms: A list of atom indices represented by this node. :param W: The W value of this node. :param N: The N value of this node. :param P: The P value of this node. """ self.smiles = smiles self.atoms = set(atoms) self.children = [] self.W = W self.N = N self.P = P def Q(self) -> float: return self.W / self.N if self.N > 0 else 0 def U(self, n: int) -> float: return C_PUCT * self.P * math.sqrt(n) / (1 + self.N)
[docs]def find_clusters(mol: Chem.Mol) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, ...]], List[List[int]]]: """ Finds clusters within the molecule. :param mol: An RDKit molecule. :return: A tuple containing a list of atom tuples representing the clusters and a list of lists of atoms in each cluster. """ n_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() if n_atoms == 1: # special case return [(0,)], [[0]] clusters = [] for bond in mol.GetBonds(): a1 = bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx() a2 = bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx() if not bond.IsInRing(): clusters.append((a1, a2)) ssr = [tuple(x) for x in Chem.GetSymmSSSR(mol)] clusters.extend(ssr) atom_cls = [[] for _ in range(n_atoms)] for i in range(len(clusters)): for atom in clusters[i]: atom_cls[atom].append(i) return clusters, atom_cls
def __extract_subgraph(mol: Chem.Mol, selected_atoms: Set[int]) -> Tuple[Chem.Mol, List[int]]: """ Extracts a subgraph from an RDKit molecule given a set of atom indices. :param mol: An RDKit molecule from which to extract a subgraph. :param selected_atoms: The atoms which form the subgraph to be extracted. :return: A tuple containing an RDKit molecule representing the subgraph and a list of root atom indices from the selected indices. """ selected_atoms = set(selected_atoms) roots = [] for idx in selected_atoms: atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx) bad_neis = [y for y in atom.GetNeighbors() if y.GetIdx() not in selected_atoms] if len(bad_neis) > 0: roots.append(idx) new_mol = Chem.RWMol(mol) for atom_idx in roots: atom = new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(atom_idx) atom.SetAtomMapNum(1) aroma_bonds = [bond for bond in atom.GetBonds() if bond.GetBondType() == Chem.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC] aroma_bonds = [bond for bond in aroma_bonds if bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx() in selected_atoms and bond.GetEndAtom().GetIdx() in selected_atoms] if len(aroma_bonds) == 0: atom.SetIsAromatic(False) remove_atoms = [atom.GetIdx() for atom in new_mol.GetAtoms() if atom.GetIdx() not in selected_atoms] remove_atoms = sorted(remove_atoms, reverse=True) for atom in remove_atoms: new_mol.RemoveAtom(atom) return new_mol.GetMol(), roots
[docs]def extract_subgraph(smiles: str, selected_atoms: Set[int]) -> Tuple[str, List[int]]: """ Extracts a subgraph from a SMILES given a set of atom indices. :param smiles: A SMILES from which to extract a subgraph. :param selected_atoms: The atoms which form the subgraph to be extracted. :return: A tuple containing a SMILES representing the subgraph and a list of root atom indices from the selected indices. """ # try with kekulization mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) Chem.Kekulize(mol) subgraph, roots = __extract_subgraph(mol, selected_atoms) try: subgraph = Chem.MolToSmiles(subgraph, kekuleSmiles=True) subgraph = Chem.MolFromSmiles(subgraph) except Exception: subgraph = None mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) # de-kekulize if subgraph is not None and mol.HasSubstructMatch(subgraph): return Chem.MolToSmiles(subgraph), roots # If fails, try without kekulization subgraph, roots = __extract_subgraph(mol, selected_atoms) subgraph = Chem.MolToSmiles(subgraph) subgraph = Chem.MolFromSmiles(subgraph) if subgraph is not None: return Chem.MolToSmiles(subgraph), roots else: return None, None
[docs]def mcts_rollout(node: MCTSNode, state_map: Dict[str, MCTSNode], orig_smiles: str, clusters: List[Set[int]], atom_cls: List[Set[int]], nei_cls: List[Set[int]], scoring_function: Callable[[List[str]], List[float]]) -> float: """ A Monte Carlo Tree Search rollout from a given :class:`MCTSNode`. :param node: The :class:`MCTSNode` from which to begin the rollout. :param state_map: A mapping from SMILES to :class:`MCTSNode`. :param orig_smiles: The original SMILES of the molecule. :param clusters: Clusters of atoms. :param atom_cls: Atom indices in the clusters. :param nei_cls: Neighboring clusters. :param scoring_function: A function for scoring subgraph SMILES using a Chemprop model. :return: The score of this MCTS rollout. """ cur_atoms = node.atoms if len(cur_atoms) <= MIN_ATOMS: return node.P # Expand if this node has never been visited if len(node.children) == 0: cur_cls = set([i for i, x in enumerate(clusters) if x <= cur_atoms]) for i in cur_cls: leaf_atoms = [a for a in clusters[i] if len(atom_cls[a] & cur_cls) == 1] if len(nei_cls[i] & cur_cls) == 1 or len(clusters[i]) == 2 and len(leaf_atoms) == 1: new_atoms = cur_atoms - set(leaf_atoms) new_smiles, _ = extract_subgraph(orig_smiles, new_atoms) if new_smiles in state_map: new_node = state_map[new_smiles] # merge identical states else: new_node = MCTSNode(new_smiles, new_atoms) if new_smiles: node.children.append(new_node) state_map[node.smiles] = node if len(node.children) == 0: return node.P # cannot find leaves scores = scoring_function([[x.smiles] for x in node.children]) for child, score in zip(node.children, scores): child.P = score sum_count = sum(c.N for c in node.children) selected_node = max(node.children, key=lambda x: x.Q() + x.U(sum_count)) v = mcts_rollout(selected_node, state_map, orig_smiles, clusters, atom_cls, nei_cls, scoring_function) selected_node.W += v selected_node.N += 1 return v
[docs]def mcts(smiles: str, scoring_function: Callable[[List[str]], List[float]], n_rollout: int, max_atoms: int, prop_delta: float) -> List[MCTSNode]: """ Runs the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. :param smiles: The SMILES of the molecule to perform the search on. :param scoring_function: A function for scoring subgraph SMILES using a Chemprop model. :param n_rollout: THe number of MCTS rollouts to perform. :param max_atoms: The maximum number of atoms allowed in an extracted rationale. :param prop_delta: The minimum required property value for a satisfactory rationale. :return: A list of rationales each represented by a :class:`MCTSNode`. """ mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol.GetNumAtoms() > 50: n_rollout = 1 clusters, atom_cls = find_clusters(mol) nei_cls = [0] * len(clusters) for i, cls in enumerate(clusters): nei_cls[i] = [nei for atom in cls for nei in atom_cls[atom]] nei_cls[i] = set(nei_cls[i]) - {i} clusters[i] = set(list(cls)) for a in range(len(atom_cls)): atom_cls[a] = set(atom_cls[a]) root = MCTSNode(smiles, set(range(mol.GetNumAtoms()))) state_map = {smiles: root} for _ in range(n_rollout): mcts_rollout(root, state_map, smiles, clusters, atom_cls, nei_cls, scoring_function) rationales = [node for _, node in state_map.items() if len(node.atoms) <= max_atoms and node.P >= prop_delta] return rationales
[docs]@timeit() def interpret(args: InterpretArgs) -> None: """ Runs interpretation of a Chemprop model using the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. :param args: A :class:`~chemprop.args.InterpretArgs` object containing arguments for interpretation. """ if args.number_of_molecules != 1: raise ValueError( "Interpreting is currently only available for single-molecule models." ) global C_PUCT, MIN_ATOMS chemprop_model = ChempropModel(args) def scoring_function(smiles: List[str]) -> List[float]: return chemprop_model(smiles)[:, args.property_id - 1] C_PUCT = args.c_puct MIN_ATOMS = args.min_atoms all_smiles = get_smiles(path=args.data_path, smiles_columns=args.smiles_columns) header = get_header(path=args.data_path) property_name = header[args.property_id] if len(header) > args.property_id else 'score' print(f'smiles,{property_name},rationale,rationale_score') for smiles in all_smiles: score = scoring_function([smiles])[0] if score > args.prop_delta: rationales = mcts( smiles=smiles[0], scoring_function=scoring_function, n_rollout=args.rollout, max_atoms=args.max_atoms, prop_delta=args.prop_delta ) else: rationales = [] if len(rationales) == 0: print(f'{smiles},{score:.3f},,') else: min_size = min(len(x.atoms) for x in rationales) min_rationales = [x for x in rationales if len(x.atoms) == min_size] rats = sorted(min_rationales, key=lambda x: x.P, reverse=True) print(f'{smiles},{score:.3f},{rats[0].smiles},{rats[0].P:.3f}')
[docs]def chemprop_interpret() -> None: """Runs interpretation of a Chemprop model. This is the entry point for the command line command :code:`chemprop_interpret`. """ interpret(args=InterpretArgs().parse_args())