Source code for chemprop.args

import json
import os
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import pickle
from typing import List, Optional
from typing_extensions import Literal
from packaging import version
from warnings import warn

import torch
from tap import Tap  # pip install typed-argument-parser (
import numpy as np

from import set_cache_mol, empty_cache
from chemprop.features import get_available_features_generators

Metric = Literal['auc', 'prc-auc', 'rmse', 'mae', 'mse', 'r2', 'accuracy', 'cross_entropy', 'binary_cross_entropy', 'sid', 'wasserstein', 'f1', 'mcc', 'bounded_rmse', 'bounded_mae', 'bounded_mse',
                'recall', 'precision','balanced_accuracy']

[docs]def get_checkpoint_paths(checkpoint_path: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None, checkpoint_dir: Optional[str] = None, ext: str = '.pt') -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Gets a list of checkpoint paths either from a single checkpoint path or from a directory of checkpoints. If :code:`checkpoint_path` is provided, only collects that one checkpoint. If :code:`checkpoint_paths` is provided, collects all of the provided checkpoints. If :code:`checkpoint_dir` is provided, walks the directory and collects all checkpoints. A checkpoint is any file ending in the extension ext. :param checkpoint_path: Path to a checkpoint. :param checkpoint_paths: List of paths to checkpoints. :param checkpoint_dir: Path to a directory containing checkpoints. :param ext: The extension which defines a checkpoint file. :return: A list of paths to checkpoints or None if no checkpoint path(s)/dir are provided. """ if sum(var is not None for var in [checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_path, checkpoint_paths]) > 1: raise ValueError('Can only specify one of checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_path, and checkpoint_paths') if checkpoint_path is not None: return [checkpoint_path] if checkpoint_paths is not None: return checkpoint_paths if checkpoint_dir is not None: checkpoint_paths = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(checkpoint_dir): for fname in files: if fname.endswith(ext): checkpoint_paths.append(os.path.join(root, fname)) if len(checkpoint_paths) == 0: raise ValueError(f'Failed to find any checkpoints with extension "{ext}" in directory "{checkpoint_dir}"') return checkpoint_paths return None
[docs]class CommonArgs(Tap): """:class:`CommonArgs` contains arguments that are used in both :class:`TrainArgs` and :class:`PredictArgs`.""" smiles_columns: List[str] = None """List of names of the columns containing SMILES strings. By default, uses the first :code:`number_of_molecules` columns.""" number_of_molecules: int = 1 """Number of molecules in each input to the model. This must equal the length of :code:`smiles_columns` (if not :code:`None`).""" checkpoint_dir: str = None """Directory from which to load model checkpoints (walks directory and ensembles all models that are found).""" checkpoint_path: str = None """Path to model checkpoint (:code:`.pt` file).""" checkpoint_paths: List[str] = None """List of paths to model checkpoints (:code:`.pt` files).""" no_cuda: bool = False """Turn off cuda (i.e., use CPU instead of GPU).""" gpu: int = None """Which GPU to use.""" features_generator: List[str] = None """Method(s) of generating additional features.""" features_path: List[str] = None """Path(s) to features to use in FNN (instead of features_generator).""" phase_features_path: str = None """Path to features used to indicate the phase of the data in one-hot vector form. Used in spectra datatype.""" no_features_scaling: bool = False """Turn off scaling of features.""" max_data_size: int = None """Maximum number of data points to load.""" num_workers: int = 8 """Number of workers for the parallel data loading (0 means sequential).""" batch_size: int = 50 """Batch size.""" atom_descriptors: Literal['feature', 'descriptor'] = None """ Custom extra atom descriptors. :code:`feature`: used as atom features to featurize a given molecule. :code:`descriptor`: used as descriptor and concatenated to the machine learned atomic representation. """ atom_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to the extra atom descriptors.""" bond_descriptors: Literal['feature', 'descriptor'] = None """ Custom extra bond descriptors. :code:`feature`: used as bond features to featurize a given molecule. :code:`descriptor`: used as descriptor and concatenated to the machine learned bond representation. """ bond_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to the extra bond descriptors that will be used as bond features to featurize a given molecule.""" no_cache_mol: bool = False """ Whether to not cache the RDKit molecule for each SMILES string to reduce memory usage (cached by default). """ empty_cache: bool = False """ Whether to empty all caches before training or predicting. This is necessary if multiple jobs are run within a single script and the atom or bond features change. """ constraints_path: str = None """ Path to constraints applied to atomic/bond properties prediction. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CommonArgs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._atom_features_size = 0 self._bond_features_size = 0 self._atom_descriptors_size = 0 self._bond_descriptors_size = 0 self._atom_constraints = [] self._bond_constraints = [] @property def device(self) -> torch.device: """The :code:`torch.device` on which to load and process data and models.""" if not self.cuda: return torch.device('cpu') return torch.device('cuda', self.gpu) @device.setter def device(self, device: torch.device) -> None: self.cuda = device.type == 'cuda' self.gpu = device.index @property def cuda(self) -> bool: """Whether to use CUDA (i.e., GPUs) or not.""" return not self.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() @cuda.setter def cuda(self, cuda: bool) -> None: self.no_cuda = not cuda @property def features_scaling(self) -> bool: """ Whether to apply normalization with a :class:`` to the additional molecule-level features. """ return not self.no_features_scaling @features_scaling.setter def features_scaling(self, features_scaling: bool) -> None: self.no_features_scaling = not features_scaling @property def atom_features_size(self) -> int: """The size of the atom features.""" return self._atom_features_size @atom_features_size.setter def atom_features_size(self, atom_features_size: int) -> None: self._atom_features_size = atom_features_size @property def atom_descriptors_size(self) -> int: """The size of the atom descriptors.""" return self._atom_descriptors_size @atom_descriptors_size.setter def atom_descriptors_size(self, atom_descriptors_size: int) -> None: self._atom_descriptors_size = atom_descriptors_size @property def bond_features_size(self) -> int: """The size of the atom features.""" return self._bond_features_size @bond_features_size.setter def bond_features_size(self, bond_features_size: int) -> None: self._bond_features_size = bond_features_size @property def bond_descriptors_size(self) -> int: """The size of the bond descriptors.""" return self._bond_descriptors_size @bond_descriptors_size.setter def bond_descriptors_size(self, bond_descriptors_size: int) -> None: self._bond_descriptors_size = bond_descriptors_size
[docs] def configure(self) -> None: self.add_argument('--gpu', choices=list(range(torch.cuda.device_count()))) self.add_argument('--features_generator', choices=get_available_features_generators())
[docs] def process_args(self) -> None: # Load checkpoint paths self.checkpoint_paths = get_checkpoint_paths( checkpoint_path=self.checkpoint_path, checkpoint_paths=self.checkpoint_paths, checkpoint_dir=self.checkpoint_dir, ) # Validate features if self.features_generator is not None and 'rdkit_2d_normalized' in self.features_generator and self.features_scaling: raise ValueError('When using rdkit_2d_normalized features, --no_features_scaling must be specified.') # Validate atom descriptors if (self.atom_descriptors is None) != (self.atom_descriptors_path is None): raise ValueError('If atom_descriptors is specified, then an atom_descriptors_path must be provided ' 'and vice versa.') if self.atom_descriptors is not None and self.number_of_molecules > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Atom descriptors are currently only supported with one molecule ' 'per input (i.e., number_of_molecules = 1).') # Validate bond descriptors if (self.bond_descriptors is None) != (self.bond_descriptors_path is None): raise ValueError('If bond_descriptors is specified, then an bond_descriptors_path must be provided ' 'and vice versa.') if self.bond_descriptors is not None and self.number_of_molecules > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Bond descriptors are currently only supported with one molecule ' 'per input (i.e., number_of_molecules = 1).') set_cache_mol(not self.no_cache_mol) if self.empty_cache: empty_cache()
[docs]class TrainArgs(CommonArgs): """:class:`TrainArgs` includes :class:`CommonArgs` along with additional arguments used for training a Chemprop model.""" # General arguments data_path: str """Path to data CSV file.""" target_columns: List[str] = None """ Name of the columns containing target values. By default, uses all columns except the SMILES column and the :code:`ignore_columns`. """ ignore_columns: List[str] = None """Name of the columns to ignore when :code:`target_columns` is not provided.""" dataset_type: Literal['regression', 'classification', 'multiclass', 'spectra'] """Type of dataset. This determines the default loss function used during training.""" loss_function: Literal['mse', 'bounded_mse', 'binary_cross_entropy', 'cross_entropy', 'mcc', 'sid', 'wasserstein', 'mve', 'evidential', 'dirichlet', 'quantile_interval'] = None """Choice of loss function. Loss functions are limited to compatible dataset types.""" multiclass_num_classes: int = 3 """Number of classes when running multiclass classification.""" separate_val_path: str = None """Path to separate val set, optional.""" separate_test_path: str = None """Path to separate test set, optional.""" spectra_phase_mask_path: str = None """Path to a file containing a phase mask array, used for excluding particular regions in spectra predictions.""" data_weights_path: str = None """Path to weights for each molecule in the training data, affecting the relative weight of molecules in the loss function""" target_weights: List[float] = None """Weights associated with each target, affecting the relative weight of targets in the loss function. Must match the number of target columns.""" split_type: Literal['random', 'scaffold_balanced', 'predetermined', 'crossval', 'cv', 'cv-no-test', 'index_predetermined', 'random_with_repeated_smiles', 'molecular_weight'] = 'random' """Method of splitting the data into train/val/test.""" split_sizes: List[float] = None """Split proportions for train/validation/test sets.""" split_key_molecule: int = 0 """The index of the key molecule used for splitting when multiple molecules are present and constrained split_type is used, like scaffold_balanced or random_with_repeated_smiles. Note that this index begins with zero for the first molecule.""" num_folds: int = 1 """Number of folds when performing cross validation.""" folds_file: str = None """Optional file of fold labels.""" val_fold_index: int = None """Which fold to use as val for leave-one-out cross val.""" test_fold_index: int = None """Which fold to use as test for leave-one-out cross val.""" crossval_index_dir: str = None """Directory in which to find cross validation index files.""" crossval_index_file: str = None """Indices of files to use as train/val/test. Overrides :code:`--num_folds` and :code:`--seed`.""" seed: int = 0 """ Random seed to use when splitting data into train/val/test sets. When :code`num_folds > 1`, the first fold uses this seed and all subsequent folds add 1 to the seed. """ pytorch_seed: int = 0 """Seed for PyTorch randomness (e.g., random initial weights).""" metric: Metric = None """ Metric to use during evaluation. It is also used with the validation set for early stopping. Defaults to "auc" for classification, "rmse" for regression, and "sid" for spectra. """ extra_metrics: List[Metric] = [] """Additional metrics to use to evaluate the model. Not used for early stopping.""" ignore_nan_metrics: bool = False """Ignore invalid task metrics (NaNs) when computing average metrics across tasks.""" save_dir: str = None """Directory where model checkpoints will be saved.""" checkpoint_frzn: str = None """Path to model checkpoint file to be loaded for overwriting and freezing weights.""" save_smiles_splits: bool = False """Save smiles for each train/val/test splits for prediction convenience later.""" test: bool = False """Whether to skip training and only test the model.""" quiet: bool = False """Skip non-essential print statements.""" log_frequency: int = 10 """The number of batches between each logging of the training loss.""" show_individual_scores: bool = False """Show all scores for individual targets, not just average, at the end.""" cache_cutoff: float = 10000 """ Maximum number of molecules in dataset to allow caching. Below this number, caching is used and data loading is sequential. Above this number, caching is not used and data loading is parallel. Use "inf" to always cache. """ save_preds: bool = False """Whether to save test split predictions during training.""" resume_experiment: bool = False """ Whether to resume the experiment. Loads test results from any folds that have already been completed and skips training those folds. """ # Model arguments bias: bool = False """Whether to add bias to linear layers.""" hidden_size: int = 300 """Dimensionality of hidden layers in MPN.""" depth: int = 3 """Number of message passing steps.""" bias_solvent: bool = False """Whether to add bias to linear layers for solvent MPN if :code:`reaction_solvent` is True.""" hidden_size_solvent: int = 300 """Dimensionality of hidden layers in solvent MPN if :code:`reaction_solvent` is True.""" depth_solvent: int = 3 """Number of message passing steps for solvent if :code:`reaction_solvent` is True.""" mpn_shared: bool = False """Whether to use the same message passing neural network for all input molecules Only relevant if :code:`number_of_molecules > 1`""" dropout: float = 0.0 """Dropout probability.""" activation: Literal['ReLU', 'LeakyReLU', 'PReLU', 'tanh', 'SELU', 'ELU'] = 'ReLU' """Activation function.""" atom_messages: bool = False """Centers messages on atoms instead of on bonds.""" undirected: bool = False """Undirected edges (always sum the two relevant bond vectors).""" ffn_hidden_size: int = None """Hidden dim for higher-capacity FFN (defaults to hidden_size).""" ffn_num_layers: int = 2 """Number of layers in FFN after MPN encoding.""" features_only: bool = False """Use only the additional features in an FFN, no graph network.""" separate_val_features_path: List[str] = None """Path to file with features for separate val set.""" separate_test_features_path: List[str] = None """Path to file with features for separate test set.""" separate_val_phase_features_path: str = None """Path to file with phase features for separate val set.""" separate_test_phase_features_path: str = None """Path to file with phase features for separate test set.""" separate_val_atom_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to file with extra atom descriptors for separate val set.""" separate_test_atom_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to file with extra atom descriptors for separate test set.""" separate_val_bond_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to file with extra atom descriptors for separate val set.""" separate_test_bond_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to file with extra atom descriptors for separate test set.""" separate_val_constraints_path: str = None """Path to file with constraints for separate val set.""" separate_test_constraints_path: str = None """Path to file with constraints for separate test set.""" config_path: str = None """ Path to a :code:`.json` file containing arguments. Any arguments present in the config file will override arguments specified via the command line or by the defaults. """ ensemble_size: int = 1 """Number of models in ensemble.""" aggregation: Literal['mean', 'sum', 'norm'] = 'mean' """Aggregation scheme for atomic vectors into molecular vectors""" aggregation_norm: int = 100 """For norm aggregation, number by which to divide summed up atomic features""" reaction: bool = False """ Whether to adjust MPNN layer to take reactions as input instead of molecules. """ reaction_mode: Literal['reac_prod', 'reac_diff', 'prod_diff', 'reac_prod_balance', 'reac_diff_balance', 'prod_diff_balance'] = 'reac_diff' """ Choices for construction of atom and bond features for reactions :code:`reac_prod`: concatenates the reactants feature with the products feature. :code:`reac_diff`: concatenates the reactants feature with the difference in features between reactants and products. :code:`prod_diff`: concatenates the products feature with the difference in features between reactants and products. :code:`reac_prod_balance`: concatenates the reactants feature with the products feature, balances imbalanced reactions. :code:`reac_diff_balance`: concatenates the reactants feature with the difference in features between reactants and products, balances imbalanced reactions. :code:`prod_diff_balance`: concatenates the products feature with the difference in features between reactants and products, balances imbalanced reactions. """ reaction_solvent: bool = False """ Whether to adjust the MPNN layer to take as input a reaction and a molecule, and to encode them with separate MPNNs. """ explicit_h: bool = False """ Whether H are explicitly specified in input (and should be kept this way). This option is intended to be used with the :code:`reaction` or :code:`reaction_solvent` options, and applies only to the reaction part. """ adding_h: bool = False """ Whether RDKit molecules will be constructed with adding the Hs to them. This option is intended to be used with Chemprop's default molecule or multi-molecule encoders, or in :code:`reaction_solvent` mode where it applies to the solvent only. """ is_atom_bond_targets: bool = False """ whether this is atomic/bond properties prediction. """ keeping_atom_map: bool = False """ Whether RDKit molecules keep the original atom mapping. This option is intended to be used when providing atom-mapped SMILES with the :code:`is_atom_bond_targets`. """ no_shared_atom_bond_ffn: bool = False """ Whether the FFN weights for atom and bond targets should be independent between tasks. """ weights_ffn_num_layers: int = 2 """ Number of layers in FFN for determining weights used in constrained targets. """ no_adding_bond_types: bool = False """ Whether the bond types determined by RDKit molecules added to the output of bond targets. This option is intended to be used with the :code:`is_atom_bond_targets`. """ # Training arguments epochs: int = 30 """Number of epochs to run.""" warmup_epochs: float = 2.0 """ Number of epochs during which learning rate increases linearly from :code:`init_lr` to :code:`max_lr`. Afterwards, learning rate decreases exponentially from :code:`max_lr` to :code:`final_lr`. """ init_lr: float = 1e-4 """Initial learning rate.""" max_lr: float = 1e-3 """Maximum learning rate.""" final_lr: float = 1e-4 """Final learning rate.""" grad_clip: float = None """Maximum magnitude of gradient during training.""" class_balance: bool = False """Trains with an equal number of positives and negatives in each batch.""" spectra_activation: Literal['exp', 'softplus'] = 'exp' """Indicates which function to use in dataset_type spectra training to constrain outputs to be positive.""" spectra_target_floor: float = 1e-8 """Values in targets for dataset type spectra are replaced with this value, intended to be a small positive number used to enforce positive values.""" evidential_regularization: float = 0 """Value used in regularization for evidential loss function. The default value recommended by Soleimany et al.(2021) is 0.2. Optimal value is dataset-dependent; it is recommended that users test different values to find the best value for their model.""" quantile_loss_alpha: float = 0.1 """Target error bounds for quantile interval loss""" overwrite_default_atom_features: bool = False """ Overwrites the default atom descriptors with the new ones instead of concatenating them. Can only be used if atom_descriptors are used as a feature. """ no_atom_descriptor_scaling: bool = False """Turn off atom feature scaling.""" overwrite_default_bond_features: bool = False """ Overwrites the default bond descriptors with the new ones instead of concatenating them. Can only be used if bond_descriptors are used as a feature. """ no_bond_descriptor_scaling: bool = False """Turn off atom feature scaling.""" frzn_ffn_layers: int = 0 """ Overwrites weights for the first n layers of the ffn from checkpoint model (specified checkpoint_frzn), where n is specified in the input. Automatically also freezes mpnn weights. """ freeze_first_only: bool = False """ Determines whether or not to use checkpoint_frzn for just the first encoder. Default (False) is to use the checkpoint to freeze all encoders. (only relevant for number_of_molecules > 1, where checkpoint model has number_of_molecules = 1) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super(TrainArgs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._task_names = None self._crossval_index_sets = None self._task_names = None self._quantiles = None self._num_tasks = None self._features_size = None self._train_data_size = None @property def metrics(self) -> List[str]: """The list of metrics used for evaluation. Only the first is used for early stopping.""" return [self.metric] + self.extra_metrics @property def minimize_score(self) -> bool: """Whether the model should try to minimize the score metric or maximize it.""" return self.metric in {'rmse', 'mae', 'mse', 'cross_entropy', 'binary_cross_entropy', 'sid', 'wasserstein', 'bounded_mse', 'bounded_mae', 'bounded_rmse'} @property def use_input_features(self) -> bool: """Whether the model is using additional molecule-level features.""" return self.features_generator is not None or self.features_path is not None or self.phase_features_path is not None @property def num_lrs(self) -> int: """The number of learning rates to use (currently hard-coded to 1).""" return 1 @property def crossval_index_sets(self) -> List[List[List[int]]]: """Index sets used for splitting data into train/validation/test during cross-validation""" return self._crossval_index_sets @property def task_names(self) -> List[str]: """A list of names of the tasks being trained on.""" return self._task_names @task_names.setter def task_names(self, task_names: List[str]) -> None: self._task_names = task_names @property def num_tasks(self) -> int: """The number of tasks being trained on.""" return len(self.task_names) if self.task_names is not None else 0 @property def quantiles(self) -> List[float]: """A list of quantiles to be being trained on.""" return self._quantiles @quantiles.setter def quantiles(self, quantiles: List[float]) -> None: self._quantiles = quantiles @property def features_size(self) -> int: """The dimensionality of the additional molecule-level features.""" return self._features_size @features_size.setter def features_size(self, features_size: int) -> None: self._features_size = features_size @property def train_data_size(self) -> int: """The size of the training data set.""" return self._train_data_size @train_data_size.setter def train_data_size(self, train_data_size: int) -> None: self._train_data_size = train_data_size @property def atom_descriptor_scaling(self) -> bool: """ Whether to apply normalization with a :class:`` to the additional atom features." """ return not self.no_atom_descriptor_scaling @property def bond_descriptor_scaling(self) -> bool: """ Whether to apply normalization with a :class:`` to the additional bond features." """ return not self.no_bond_descriptor_scaling @property def shared_atom_bond_ffn(self) -> bool: """ Whether the FFN weights for atom and bond targets should be shared between tasks. """ return not self.no_shared_atom_bond_ffn @property def adding_bond_types(self) -> bool: """ Whether the bond types determined by RDKit molecules should be added to the output of bond targets. """ return not self.no_adding_bond_types @property def atom_constraints(self) -> List[bool]: """ A list of booleans indicating whether constraints applied to output of atomic properties. """ if self.is_atom_bond_targets and self.constraints_path: if not self._atom_constraints: header = self._atom_constraints = [target in header for target in self.atom_targets] else: self._atom_constraints = [False] * len(self.atom_targets) return self._atom_constraints @atom_constraints.setter def atom_constraints(self, atom_constraints: List[bool]) -> None: self._atom_constraints = atom_constraints @property def bond_constraints(self) -> List[bool]: """ A list of booleans indicating whether constraints applied to output of bond properties. """ if self.is_atom_bond_targets and self.constraints_path: if not self._bond_constraints: header = self._bond_constraints = [target in header for target in self.bond_targets] else: self._bond_constraints = [False] * len(self.bond_targets) return self._bond_constraints @bond_constraints.setter def bond_constraints(self, bond_constraints: List[bool]) -> None: self._bond_constraints = bond_constraints
[docs] def process_args(self) -> None: super(TrainArgs, self).process_args() global temp_save_dir # Prevents the temporary directory from being deleted upon function return # Adapt the number of molecules for reaction_solvent mode if self.reaction_solvent is True and self.number_of_molecules != 2: raise ValueError('In reaction_solvent mode, --number_of_molecules 2 must be specified.') # Process SMILES columns self.smiles_columns = path=self.data_path, smiles_columns=self.smiles_columns, number_of_molecules=self.number_of_molecules, ) # Load config file if self.config_path is not None: with open(self.config_path) as f: config = json.load(f) for key, value in config.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # Determine the target_columns when training atomic and bond targets if self.is_atom_bond_targets: self.atom_targets, self.bond_targets, self.molecule_targets = path=self.data_path, smiles_columns=self.smiles_columns, target_columns=self.target_columns, ignore_columns=self.ignore_columns, keep_h=self.explicit_h, add_h=self.adding_h, keep_atom_map=self.keeping_atom_map, ) self.target_columns = self.atom_targets + self.bond_targets # self.target_columns = self.atom_targets + self.bond_targets + self.molecule_targets # TODO: Support mixed targets else: self.atom_targets, self.bond_targets = [], [] # Check whether atomic/bond constraints have been applied on the correct dataset_type if self.constraints_path: if not self.is_atom_bond_targets: raise ValueError('Constraints on atomic/bond targets can only be used in atomic/bond properties prediction.') if self.dataset_type != 'regression': raise ValueError(f'In atomic/bond properties prediction, atomic/bond constraints are not supported for {self.dataset_type}.') # Check whether the number of input columns is one for the atomic/bond mode if self.is_atom_bond_targets: if self.number_of_molecules != 1: raise ValueError('In atomic/bond properties prediction, exactly one smiles column must be provided.') # Check whether the number of input columns is two for the reaction_solvent mode if self.reaction_solvent is True and len(self.smiles_columns) != 2: raise ValueError('In reaction_solvent mode, exactly two smiles column must be provided (one for reactions, and one for molecules)') # Validate reaction/reaction_solvent mode if self.reaction is True and self.reaction_solvent is True: raise ValueError('Only reaction or reaction_solvent mode can be used, not both.') # Create temporary directory as save directory if not provided if self.save_dir is None: temp_save_dir = TemporaryDirectory() self.save_dir = # Fix ensemble size if loading checkpoints if self.checkpoint_paths is not None and len(self.checkpoint_paths) > 0: self.ensemble_size = len(self.checkpoint_paths) # Process and validate metric and loss function if self.metric is None: if self.dataset_type == "classification": self.metric = "auc" elif self.dataset_type == "multiclass": self.metric = "cross_entropy" elif self.dataset_type == "spectra": self.metric = "sid" elif self.dataset_type == "regression" and self.loss_function == "bounded_mse": self.metric = "bounded_mse" elif self.dataset_type == "regression" and self.loss_function == "quantile_interval": self.metric = "quantile" elif self.dataset_type == "regression": self.metric = "rmse" else: raise ValueError(f'Dataset type {self.dataset_type} is not supported.') if self.metric in self.extra_metrics: raise ValueError(f'Metric {self.metric} is both the metric and is in extra_metrics. ' f'Please only include it once.') for metric in self.metrics: if not any([(self.dataset_type == 'classification' and metric in ['auc', 'prc-auc', 'accuracy', 'binary_cross_entropy', 'f1', 'mcc', 'recall', 'precision', 'balanced_accuracy', 'confusion_matrix']), (self.dataset_type == 'regression' and metric in ['rmse', 'mae', 'mse', 'r2', 'bounded_rmse', 'bounded_mae', 'bounded_mse', 'quantile']), (self.dataset_type == 'multiclass' and metric in ['cross_entropy', 'accuracy', 'f1', 'mcc']), (self.dataset_type == 'spectra' and metric in ['sid', 'wasserstein'])]): raise ValueError(f'Metric "{metric}" invalid for dataset type "{self.dataset_type}".') if metric == "quantile" and self.loss_function != "quantile_interval": raise ValueError(f'Metric quantile is only compatible with quantile_interval loss.') if self.loss_function is None: if self.dataset_type == 'classification': self.loss_function = 'binary_cross_entropy' elif self.dataset_type == 'multiclass': self.loss_function = 'cross_entropy' elif self.dataset_type == 'spectra': self.loss_function = 'sid' elif self.dataset_type == 'regression': self.loss_function = 'mse' else: raise ValueError(f'Default loss function not configured for dataset type {self.dataset_type}.') if self.loss_function != 'bounded_mse' and any(metric in ['bounded_mse', 'bounded_rmse', 'bounded_mae'] for metric in self.metrics): raise ValueError('Bounded metrics can only be used in conjunction with the regression loss function bounded_mse.') # Validate class balance if self.class_balance and self.dataset_type != 'classification': raise ValueError('Class balance can only be applied if the dataset type is classification.') # Validate features if self.features_only and not (self.features_generator or self.features_path): raise ValueError('When using features_only, a features_generator or features_path must be provided.') # Handle FFN hidden size if self.ffn_hidden_size is None: self.ffn_hidden_size = self.hidden_size # Handle MPN variants if self.atom_messages and self.undirected: raise ValueError('Undirected is unnecessary when using atom_messages ' 'since atom_messages are by their nature undirected.') # Validate split type settings if not (self.split_type == 'predetermined') == (self.folds_file is not None) == (self.test_fold_index is not None): raise ValueError('When using predetermined split type, must provide folds_file and test_fold_index.') if not (self.split_type == 'crossval') == (self.crossval_index_dir is not None): raise ValueError('When using crossval split type, must provide crossval_index_dir.') if not (self.split_type in ['crossval', 'index_predetermined']) == (self.crossval_index_file is not None): raise ValueError('When using crossval or index_predetermined split type, must provide crossval_index_file.') if self.split_type in ['crossval', 'index_predetermined']: with open(self.crossval_index_file, 'rb') as rf: self._crossval_index_sets = pickle.load(rf) self.num_folds = len(self.crossval_index_sets) self.seed = 0 # Validate split size entry and set default values if self.split_sizes is None: if self.separate_val_path is None and self.separate_test_path is None: # separate data paths are not provided self.split_sizes = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] elif self.separate_val_path is not None and self.separate_test_path is None: # separate val path only self.split_sizes = [0.8, 0., 0.2] elif self.separate_val_path is None and self.separate_test_path is not None: # separate test path only self.split_sizes = [0.8, 0.2, 0.] else: # both separate data paths are provided self.split_sizes = [1., 0., 0.] else: if not np.isclose(sum(self.split_sizes), 1): raise ValueError(f'Provided split sizes of {self.split_sizes} do not sum to 1.') if any([size < 0 for size in self.split_sizes]): raise ValueError(f'Split sizes must be non-negative. Received split sizes: {self.split_sizes}') if len(self.split_sizes) not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError(f'Three values should be provided for train/val/test split sizes. Instead received {len(self.split_sizes)} value(s).') if self.separate_val_path is None and self.separate_test_path is None: # separate data paths are not provided if len(self.split_sizes) != 3: raise ValueError(f'Three values should be provided for train/val/test split sizes. Instead received {len(self.split_sizes)} value(s).') if self.split_sizes[0] == 0.: raise ValueError(f'Provided split size for train split must be nonzero. Received split size {self.split_sizes[0]}') if self.split_sizes[1] == 0.: raise ValueError(f'Provided split size for validation split must be nonzero. Received split size {self.split_sizes[1]}') elif self.separate_val_path is not None and self.separate_test_path is None: # separate val path only if len(self.split_sizes) == 2: # allow input of just 2 values self.split_sizes = [self.split_sizes[0], 0., self.split_sizes[1]] if self.split_sizes[0] == 0.: raise ValueError('Provided split size for train split must be nonzero.') if self.split_sizes[1] != 0.: raise ValueError(f'Provided split size for validation split must be 0 because validation set is provided separately. Received split size {self.split_sizes[1]}') elif self.separate_val_path is None and self.separate_test_path is not None: # separate test path only if len(self.split_sizes) == 2: # allow input of just 2 values self.split_sizes = [self.split_sizes[0], self.split_sizes[1], 0.] if self.split_sizes[0] == 0.: raise ValueError('Provided split size for train split must be nonzero.') if self.split_sizes[1] == 0.: raise ValueError('Provided split size for validation split must be nonzero.') if self.split_sizes[2] != 0.: raise ValueError(f'Provided split size for test split must be 0 because test set is provided separately. Received split size {self.split_sizes[2]}') else: # both separate data paths are provided if self.split_sizes != [1., 0., 0.]: raise ValueError(f'Separate data paths were provided for val and test splits. Split sizes should not also be provided. Received split sizes: {self.split_sizes}') # Test settings if self.test: self.epochs = 0 # Validate features are provided for separate validation or test set for each of the kinds of additional features for (features_argument, base_features_path, val_features_path, test_features_path) in [ ('`--features_path`', self.features_path, self.separate_val_features_path, self.separate_test_features_path), ('`--phase_features_path`', self.phase_features_path, self.separate_val_phase_features_path, self.separate_test_phase_features_path), ('`--atom_descriptors_path`', self.atom_descriptors_path, self.separate_val_atom_descriptors_path, self.separate_test_atom_descriptors_path), ('`--bond_descriptors_path`', self.bond_descriptors_path, self.separate_val_bond_descriptors_path, self.separate_test_bond_descriptors_path), ('`--constraints_path`', self.constraints_path, self.separate_val_constraints_path, self.separate_test_constraints_path) ]: if base_features_path is not None: if self.separate_val_path is not None and val_features_path is None: raise ValueError(f'Additional features were provided using the argument {features_argument}. The same kinds of features must be provided for the separate validation set.') if self.separate_test_path is not None and test_features_path is None: raise ValueError(f'Additional features were provided using the argument {features_argument}. The same kinds of features must be provided for the separate test set.') # validate extra atom descriptor options if self.overwrite_default_atom_features and self.atom_descriptors != 'feature': raise NotImplementedError('Overwriting of the default atom descriptors can only be used if the' 'provided atom descriptors are features.') if not self.atom_descriptor_scaling and self.atom_descriptors is None: raise ValueError('Atom descriptor scaling is only possible if additional atom features are provided.') # validate extra bond descriptor options if self.overwrite_default_bond_features and self.bond_descriptors != 'feature': raise NotImplementedError('Overwriting of the default bond descriptors can only be used if the' 'provided bond descriptors are features.') if not self.bond_descriptor_scaling and self.bond_descriptors is None: raise ValueError('Bond descriptor scaling is only possible if additional bond features are provided.') if self.bond_descriptors == 'descriptor' and not self.is_atom_bond_targets: raise NotImplementedError('Bond descriptors as descriptor can only be used with `--is_atom_bond_targets`.') # normalize target weights if self.target_weights is not None: avg_weight = sum(self.target_weights)/len(self.target_weights) self.target_weights = [w/avg_weight for w in self.target_weights] if min(self.target_weights) < 0: raise ValueError('Provided target weights must be non-negative.') # check if key molecule index is outside of the number of molecules if self.split_key_molecule >= self.number_of_molecules: raise ValueError( "The index provided with the argument `--split_key_molecule` must be less than the number of molecules. Note that this index begins with 0 for the first molecule. " ) if not 0 <= self.quantile_loss_alpha <= 0.5: raise ValueError( "quantile_loss_alpha should be in the range [0, 0.5]" )
[docs]class PredictArgs(CommonArgs): """:class:`PredictArgs` includes :class:`CommonArgs` along with additional arguments used for predicting with a Chemprop model.""" test_path: str """Path to CSV file containing testing data for which predictions will be made.""" preds_path: str """Path to CSV or PICKLE file where predictions will be saved.""" drop_extra_columns: bool = False """Whether to drop all columns from the test data file besides the SMILES columns and the new prediction columns.""" ensemble_variance: bool = False """Deprecated. Whether to calculate the variance of ensembles as a measure of epistemic uncertainty. If True, the variance is saved as an additional column for each target in the preds_path.""" individual_ensemble_predictions: bool = False """Whether to return the predictions made by each of the individual models rather than the average of the ensemble""" # Uncertainty arguments uncertainty_method: Literal[ 'mve', 'ensemble', 'evidential_epistemic', 'evidential_aleatoric', 'evidential_total', 'classification', 'dropout', 'spectra_roundrobin', 'dirichlet', ] = None """The method of calculating uncertainty.""" calibration_method: Literal[ "zscaling", "tscaling", "zelikman_interval", "mve_weighting", "platt", "isotonic", "conformal", "conformal_adaptive", "conformal_regression", "conformal_quantile_regression", ] = None """Methods used for calibrating the uncertainty calculated with uncertainty method.""" evaluation_methods: List[str] = None """The methods used for evaluating the uncertainty performance if the test data provided includes targets. Available methods are [nll, miscalibration_area, ence, spearman] or any available classification or multiclass metric.""" evaluation_scores_path: str = None """Location to save the results of uncertainty evaluations.""" uncertainty_dropout_p: float = 0.1 """The probability to use for Monte Carlo dropout uncertainty estimation.""" conformal_alpha: float = 0.1 """Target error rate for conformal prediction.""" dropout_sampling_size: int = 10 """The number of samples to use for Monte Carlo dropout uncertainty estimation. Distinct from the dropout used during training.""" calibration_interval_percentile: float = 95 """Sets the percentile used in the calibration methods. Must be in the range (1,100).""" regression_calibrator_metric: Literal['stdev', 'interval'] = None """Regression calibrators can output either a stdev or an inverval. """ calibration_path: str = None """Path to data file to be used for uncertainty calibration.""" calibration_features_path: List[str] = None """Path to features data to be used with the uncertainty calibration dataset.""" calibration_phase_features_path: str = None """ """ calibration_atom_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to the extra atom descriptors.""" calibration_bond_descriptors_path: str = None """Path to the extra bond descriptors that will be used as bond features to featurize a given molecule.""" @property def ensemble_size(self) -> int: """The number of models in the ensemble.""" return len(self.checkpoint_paths)
[docs] def process_args(self) -> None: super(PredictArgs, self).process_args() if self.regression_calibrator_metric is None: if self.calibration_method == 'zelikman_interval': self.regression_calibrator_metric = 'interval' elif self.calibration_method in ['conformal_regression', 'conformal_quantile_regression']: self.regression_calibrator_metric = None else: self.regression_calibrator_metric = 'stdev' if self.uncertainty_method == 'dropout' and version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('1.9.0'): raise ValueError('Dropout uncertainty is only supported for pytorch versions >= 1.9.0') self.smiles_columns = path=self.test_path, smiles_columns=self.smiles_columns, number_of_molecules=self.number_of_molecules, ) if self.checkpoint_paths is None or len(self.checkpoint_paths) == 0: raise ValueError('Found no checkpoints. Must specify --checkpoint_path <path> or ' '--checkpoint_dir <dir> containing at least one checkpoint.') if self.ensemble_variance: if self.uncertainty_method in ['ensemble', None]: warn( 'The `--ensemble_variance` argument is deprecated and should \ be replaced with `--uncertainty_method ensemble`.', DeprecationWarning, ) self.uncertainty_method = 'ensemble' else: raise ValueError( f'Only one uncertainty method can be used at a time. \ The arguement `--ensemble_variance` was provided along \ with the uncertainty method {self.uncertainty_method}. The `--ensemble_variance` \ argument is deprecated and should be replaced with `--uncertainty_method ensemble`.' ) if self.calibration_interval_percentile <= 1 or self.calibration_interval_percentile >= 100: raise ValueError('The calibration interval must be a percentile value in the range (1,100).') if self.uncertainty_dropout_p < 0 or self.uncertainty_dropout_p > 1: raise ValueError('The dropout probability must be in the range (0,1).') if self.dropout_sampling_size <= 1: raise ValueError('The argument `--dropout_sampling_size` must be an integer greater than 1.') # Validate that features provided for the prediction test set are also provided for the calibration set for (features_argument, base_features_path, cal_features_path) in [ ('`--features_path`', self.features_path, self.calibration_features_path), ('`--phase_features_path`', self.phase_features_path, self.calibration_phase_features_path), ('`--atom_descriptors_path`', self.atom_descriptors_path, self.calibration_atom_descriptors_path), ('`--bond_descriptors_path`', self.bond_descriptors_path, self.calibration_bond_descriptors_path) ]: if ( base_features_path is not None and self.calibration_path is not None and cal_features_path is None ): raise ValueError( f"Additional features were provided using the argument {features_argument}. The same kinds of features must be provided for the calibration dataset." ) if not 0 <= self.conformal_alpha <= 1: raise ValueError( "conformal_alpha should be in the range [0,1]" )
[docs]class InterpretArgs(CommonArgs): """:class:`InterpretArgs` includes :class:`CommonArgs` along with additional arguments used for interpreting a trained Chemprop model.""" data_path: str """Path to data CSV file.""" batch_size: int = 500 """Batch size.""" property_id: int = 1 """Index of the property of interest in the trained model.""" rollout: int = 20 """Number of rollout steps.""" c_puct: float = 10.0 """Constant factor in MCTS.""" max_atoms: int = 20 """Maximum number of atoms in rationale.""" min_atoms: int = 8 """Minimum number of atoms in rationale.""" prop_delta: float = 0.5 """Minimum score to count as positive."""
[docs] def process_args(self) -> None: super(InterpretArgs, self).process_args() self.smiles_columns = path=self.data_path, smiles_columns=self.smiles_columns, number_of_molecules=self.number_of_molecules, ) if self.features_path is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot use --features_path <path> for interpretation since features ' 'need to be computed dynamically for molecular substructures. ' 'Please specify --features_generator <generator>.') if self.checkpoint_paths is None or len(self.checkpoint_paths) == 0: raise ValueError('Found no checkpoints. Must specify --checkpoint_path <path> or ' '--checkpoint_dir <dir> containing at least one checkpoint.')
class FingerprintArgs(PredictArgs): """:class:`FingerprintArgs` includes :class:`PredictArgs` with additional arguments for the generation of latent fingerprint vectors.""" fingerprint_type: Literal['MPN', 'last_FFN'] = 'MPN' """Choice of which type of latent fingerprint vector to use. Default is the output of the MPNN, excluding molecular features"""
[docs]class HyperoptArgs(TrainArgs): """:class:`HyperoptArgs` includes :class:`TrainArgs` along with additional arguments used for optimizing Chemprop hyperparameters.""" num_iters: int = 20 """Number of hyperparameter choices to try.""" hyperopt_seed: int = 0 """The initial seed used for choosing parameters in hyperopt trials. In each trial, the seed will be increased by one, skipping seeds previously used.""" config_save_path: str """Path to :code:`.json` file where best hyperparameter settings will be written.""" log_dir: str = None """(Optional) Path to a directory where all results of the hyperparameter optimization will be written.""" hyperopt_checkpoint_dir: str = None """Path to a directory where hyperopt completed trial data is stored. Hyperopt job will include these trials if restarted. Can also be used to run multiple instances in parallel if they share the same checkpoint directory.""" startup_random_iters: int = None """The initial number of trials that will be randomly specified before TPE algorithm is used to select the rest. By default will be half the total number of trials.""" manual_trial_dirs: List[str] = None """Paths to save directories for manually trained models in the same search space as the hyperparameter search. Results will be considered as part of the trial history of the hyperparameter search.""" search_parameter_keywords: List[str] = ["basic"] """The model parameters over which to search for an optimal hyperparameter configuration. Some options are bundles of parameters or otherwise special parameter operations. Special keywords: basic - the default set of hyperparameters for search: depth, ffn_num_layers, dropout, and linked_hidden_size. linked_hidden_size - search for hidden_size and ffn_hidden_size, but constrained for them to have the same value. If either of the component words are entered in separately, both are searched independently. learning_rate - search for max_lr, init_lr, final_lr, and warmup_epochs. The search for init_lr and final_lr values are defined as fractions of the max_lr value. The search for warmup_epochs is as a fraction of the total epochs used. all - include search for all 13 inidividual keyword options Individual supported parameters: activation, aggregation, aggregation_norm, batch_size, depth, dropout, ffn_hidden_size, ffn_num_layers, final_lr, hidden_size, init_lr, max_lr, warmup_epochs """
[docs] def process_args(self) -> None: super(HyperoptArgs, self).process_args() # Assign log and checkpoint directories if none provided if self.log_dir is None: self.log_dir = self.save_dir if self.hyperopt_checkpoint_dir is None: self.hyperopt_checkpoint_dir = self.log_dir # Set number of startup random trials if self.startup_random_iters is None: self.startup_random_iters = self.num_iters // 2 # Construct set of search parameters supported_keywords = [ "basic", "learning_rate", "linked_hidden_size", "all", "activation", "aggregation", "aggregation_norm", "batch_size", "depth", "dropout", "ffn_hidden_size", "ffn_num_layers", "final_lr", "hidden_size", "init_lr", "max_lr", "warmup_epochs" ] supported_parameters = [ "activation", "aggregation", "aggregation_norm", "batch_size", "depth", "dropout", "ffn_hidden_size", "ffn_num_layers", "final_lr_ratio", "hidden_size", "init_lr_ratio", "linked_hidden_size", "max_lr", "warmup_epochs" ] unsupported_keywords = set(self.search_parameter_keywords) - set(supported_keywords) if len(unsupported_keywords) != 0: raise NotImplementedError( f"Keywords for what hyperparameters to include in the search are designated \ with the argument `--search_parameter_keywords`. The following unsupported\ keywords were received: {unsupported_keywords}. The available supported\ keywords are: {supported_keywords}" ) search_parameters = set() if "all" in self.search_parameter_keywords: search_parameters.update(supported_parameters) if "basic" in self.search_parameter_keywords: search_parameters.update(["depth", "ffn_num_layers", "dropout", "linked_hidden_size"]) if "learning_rate" in self.search_parameter_keywords: search_parameters.update(["max_lr", "init_lr_ratio", "final_lr_ratio", "warmup_epochs"]) for kw in self.search_parameter_keywords: if kw in supported_parameters: search_parameters.add(kw) if "init_lr" in self.search_parameter_keywords: search_parameters.add("init_lr_ratio") if "final_lr" in self.search_parameter_keywords: search_parameters.add("final_lr_ratio") if "linked_hidden_size" in search_parameters and ("hidden_size" in search_parameters or "ffn_hidden_size" in search_parameters): search_parameters.remove("linked_hidden_size") search_parameters.update(["hidden_size", "ffn_hidden_size"]) self.search_parameters = list(search_parameters)
[docs]class SklearnTrainArgs(TrainArgs): """:class:`SklearnTrainArgs` includes :class:`TrainArgs` along with additional arguments for training a scikit-learn model.""" model_type: Literal['random_forest', 'svm'] """scikit-learn model to use.""" class_weight: Literal['balanced'] = None """How to weight classes (None means no class balance).""" single_task: bool = False """Whether to run each task separately (needed when dataset has null entries).""" radius: int = 2 """Morgan fingerprint radius.""" num_bits: int = 2048 """Number of bits in morgan fingerprint.""" num_trees: int = 500 """Number of random forest trees.""" impute_mode: Literal['single_task', 'median', 'mean', 'linear', 'frequent'] = None """How to impute missing data (None means no imputation)."""
[docs]class SklearnPredictArgs(CommonArgs): """:class:`SklearnPredictArgs` contains arguments used for predicting with a trained scikit-learn model.""" test_path: str """Path to CSV file containing testing data for which predictions will be made.""" smiles_columns: List[str] = None """List of names of the columns containing SMILES strings. By default, uses the first :code:`number_of_molecules` columns.""" number_of_molecules: int = 1 """Number of molecules in each input to the model. This must equal the length of :code:`smiles_columns` (if not :code:`None`).""" preds_path: str """Path to CSV file where predictions will be saved.""" checkpoint_dir: str = None """Path to directory containing model checkpoints (:code:`.pkl` file)""" checkpoint_path: str = None """Path to model checkpoint (:code:`.pkl` file)""" checkpoint_paths: List[str] = None """List of paths to model checkpoints (:code:`.pkl` files)"""
[docs] def process_args(self) -> None: self.smiles_columns = path=self.test_path, smiles_columns=self.smiles_columns, number_of_molecules=self.number_of_molecules, ) # Load checkpoint paths self.checkpoint_paths = get_checkpoint_paths( checkpoint_path=self.checkpoint_path, checkpoint_paths=self.checkpoint_paths, checkpoint_dir=self.checkpoint_dir, ext='.pkl' )