Encoding fingerprint latent representation#

Import packages#

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from pathlib import Path

from chemprop import data, featurizers, models

Change model input here#

chemprop_dir = Path.cwd().parent
checkpoint_path = chemprop_dir / "tests/data/example_model_v2_regression_mol.ckpt" # path to the checkpoint file.
# If the checkpoint file is generated using the training notebook,
# it will be in the `checkpoints` folder with name similar to `checkpoints/epoch=19-step=180.ckpt`.

Load model#

mpnn = models.MPNN.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)
  (message_passing): BondMessagePassing(
    (W_i): Linear(in_features=86, out_features=300, bias=False)
    (W_h): Linear(in_features=300, out_features=300, bias=False)
    (W_o): Linear(in_features=372, out_features=300, bias=True)
    (W_d): Linear(in_features=300, out_features=300, bias=True)
    (dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
    (tau): ReLU()
  (agg): MeanAggregation()
  (bn): BatchNorm1d(300, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (predictor): RegressionFFN(
    (ffn): MLP(
      (0): Sequential(
        (0): Linear(in_features=300, out_features=300, bias=True)
      (1): Sequential(
        (0): ReLU()
        (1): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
        (2): Linear(in_features=300, out_features=1, bias=True)
    (criterion): MSELoss()

Change data input here#

test_path = '../tests/data/smis.csv'
smiles_column = 'smiles'

Load data#

df_test = pd.read_csv(test_path)

smis = df_test[smiles_column]

test_data = [data.MoleculeDatapoint.from_smi(smi) for smi in smis]
[MoleculeDatapoint(mol=<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x2879f03c0>, y=None, weight=1.0, gt_mask=None, lt_mask=None, x_d=None, x_phase=None, name='Cn1c(CN2CCN(CC2)c3ccc(Cl)cc3)nc4ccccc14', V_f=None, E_f=None, V_d=None),
 MoleculeDatapoint(mol=<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x2879f04a0>, y=None, weight=1.0, gt_mask=None, lt_mask=None, x_d=None, x_phase=None, name='COc1cc(OC)c(cc1NC(=O)CSCC(=O)O)S(=O)(=O)N2C(C)CCc3ccccc23', V_f=None, E_f=None, V_d=None),
 MoleculeDatapoint(mol=<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x2879f0580>, y=None, weight=1.0, gt_mask=None, lt_mask=None, x_d=None, x_phase=None, name='COC(=O)[C@@H](N1CCc2sccc2C1)c3ccccc3Cl', V_f=None, E_f=None, V_d=None),
 MoleculeDatapoint(mol=<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x2879f0660>, y=None, weight=1.0, gt_mask=None, lt_mask=None, x_d=None, x_phase=None, name='OC[C@H](O)CN1C(=O)C(Cc2ccccc12)NC(=O)c3cc4cc(Cl)sc4[nH]3', V_f=None, E_f=None, V_d=None),
 MoleculeDatapoint(mol=<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object at 0x2879f0740>, y=None, weight=1.0, gt_mask=None, lt_mask=None, x_d=None, x_phase=None, name='Cc1cccc(C[C@H](NC(=O)c2cc(nn2C)C(C)(C)C)C(=O)NCC#N)c1', V_f=None, E_f=None, V_d=None)]

Get featurizer#

featurizer = featurizers.SimpleMoleculeMolGraphFeaturizer()

Get datasets#

test_dset = data.MoleculeDataset(test_data, featurizer=featurizer)
test_loader = data.build_dataloader(test_dset, shuffle=False)

Calculate fingerprints#

models.MPNN.encoding(inputs : BatchMolGraph, i : int) calculate the i-th hidden representation.

i ia the stop index of slice of the MLP used to encode the input. That is, use all layers in the MLP up to :attr:i (i.e., MLP[:i]). This can be any integer value, and the behavior of this function is dependent on the underlying list slicing behavior. For example:

  • i=0: use a 0-layer MLP (i.e., a no-op)

  • i=1: use only the first block

  • i=-1: use up to the second-to-last block

with torch.no_grad():
    fingerprints = [
        mpnn.encoding(batch.bmg, batch.V_d, batch.X_d, i=0)
        for batch in test_loader
    fingerprints = torch.cat(fingerprints, 0)

torch.Size([100, 300])
with torch.no_grad():
    encodings = [
        mpnn.encoding(batch.bmg, batch.V_d, batch.X_d, i=1)
        for batch in test_loader
    encodings = torch.cat(encodings, 0)

torch.Size([100, 300])

Using fingerprints#

fingerprints = fingerprints.detach()

pca = PCA(n_components=2)

principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(fingerprints)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.set_xlabel('PCA1'); ax.set_ylabel('PCA2')

ax.scatter(principalComponents[:, 0], principalComponents[:, 1])
encodings = encodings.detach()

pca = PCA(n_components=2)

principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(encodings)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.set_xlabel('PCA1'); ax.set_ylabel('PCA2')

ax.scatter(principalComponents[:, 0], principalComponents[:, 1])