Source code for chemprop.nn_utils

import math
from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler

[docs]def compute_pnorm(model: nn.Module) -> float: """ Computes the norm of the parameters of a model. :param model: A PyTorch model. :return: The norm of the parameters of the model. """ return math.sqrt(sum([p.norm().item() ** 2 for p in model.parameters()]))
[docs]def compute_gnorm(model: nn.Module) -> float: """ Computes the norm of the gradients of a model. :param model: A PyTorch model. :return: The norm of the gradients of the model. """ return math.sqrt(sum([p.grad.norm().item() ** 2 for p in model.parameters() if p.grad is not None]))
[docs]def param_count(model: nn.Module) -> int: """ Determines number of trainable parameters. :param model: An PyTorch model. :return: The number of trainable parameters in the model. """ return sum(param.numel() for param in model.parameters() if param.requires_grad)
[docs]def param_count_all(model: nn.Module) -> int: """ Determines number of trainable parameters. :param model: An PyTorch model. :return: The number of trainable parameters in the model. """ return sum(param.numel() for param in model.parameters())
[docs]def index_select_ND(source: torch.Tensor, index: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Selects the message features from source corresponding to the atom or bond indices in :code:`index`. :param source: A tensor of shape :code:`(num_bonds, hidden_size)` containing message features. :param index: A tensor of shape :code:`(num_atoms/num_bonds, max_num_bonds)` containing the atom or bond indices to select from :code:`source`. :return: A tensor of shape :code:`(num_atoms/num_bonds, max_num_bonds, hidden_size)` containing the message features corresponding to the atoms/bonds specified in index. """ index_size = index.size() # (num_atoms/num_bonds, max_num_bonds) suffix_dim = source.size()[1:] # (hidden_size,) final_size = index_size + suffix_dim # (num_atoms/num_bonds, max_num_bonds, hidden_size) target = source.index_select(dim=0, index=index.view(-1)) # (num_atoms/num_bonds * max_num_bonds, hidden_size) target = target.view(final_size) # (num_atoms/num_bonds, max_num_bonds, hidden_size) return target
[docs]def get_activation_function(activation: str) -> nn.Module: """ Gets an activation function module given the name of the activation. Supports: * :code:`ReLU` * :code:`LeakyReLU` * :code:`PReLU` * :code:`tanh` * :code:`SELU` * :code:`ELU` :param activation: The name of the activation function. :return: The activation function module. """ if activation == 'ReLU': return nn.ReLU() elif activation == 'LeakyReLU': return nn.LeakyReLU(0.1) elif activation == 'PReLU': return nn.PReLU() elif activation == 'tanh': return nn.Tanh() elif activation == 'SELU': return nn.SELU() elif activation == 'ELU': return nn.ELU() else: raise ValueError(f'Activation "{activation}" not supported.')
[docs]def initialize_weights(model: nn.Module) -> None: """ Initializes the weights of a model in place. :param model: An PyTorch model. """ for param in model.parameters(): if param.dim() == 1: nn.init.constant_(param, 0) else: nn.init.xavier_normal_(param)
[docs]class NoamLR(_LRScheduler): """ Noam learning rate scheduler with piecewise linear increase and exponential decay. The learning rate increases linearly from init_lr to max_lr over the course of the first warmup_steps (where :code:`warmup_steps = warmup_epochs * steps_per_epoch`). Then the learning rate decreases exponentially from :code:`max_lr` to :code:`final_lr` over the course of the remaining :code:`total_steps - warmup_steps` (where :code:`total_steps = total_epochs * steps_per_epoch`). This is roughly based on the learning rate schedule from `Attention is All You Need <>`_, section 5.3. """ def __init__(self, optimizer: Optimizer, warmup_epochs: List[Union[float, int]], total_epochs: List[int], steps_per_epoch: int, init_lr: List[float], max_lr: List[float], final_lr: List[float]): """ :param optimizer: A PyTorch optimizer. :param warmup_epochs: The number of epochs during which to linearly increase the learning rate. :param total_epochs: The total number of epochs. :param steps_per_epoch: The number of steps (batches) per epoch. :param init_lr: The initial learning rate. :param max_lr: The maximum learning rate (achieved after :code:`warmup_epochs`). :param final_lr: The final learning rate (achieved after :code:`total_epochs`). """ if not ( len(optimizer.param_groups) == len(warmup_epochs) == len(total_epochs) == len(init_lr) == len(max_lr) == len(final_lr) ): raise ValueError( "Number of param groups must match the number of epochs and learning rates! " f"got: len(optimizer.param_groups)= {len(optimizer.param_groups)}, " f"len(warmup_epochs)= {len(warmup_epochs)}, " f"len(total_epochs)= {len(total_epochs)}, " f"len(init_lr)= {len(init_lr)}, " f"len(max_lr)= {len(max_lr)}, " f"len(final_lr)= {len(final_lr)}" ) self.num_lrs = len(optimizer.param_groups) self.optimizer = optimizer self.warmup_epochs = np.array(warmup_epochs) self.total_epochs = np.array(total_epochs) self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch self.init_lr = np.array(init_lr) self.max_lr = np.array(max_lr) self.final_lr = np.array(final_lr) self.current_step = 0 = init_lr self.warmup_steps = (self.warmup_epochs * self.steps_per_epoch).astype(int) self.total_steps = self.total_epochs * self.steps_per_epoch self.linear_increment = (self.max_lr - self.init_lr) / self.warmup_steps self.exponential_gamma = (self.final_lr / self.max_lr) ** (1 / (self.total_steps - self.warmup_steps)) super(NoamLR, self).__init__(optimizer)
[docs] def get_lr(self) -> List[float]: """ Gets a list of the current learning rates. :return: A list of the current learning rates. """ return list(
[docs] def step(self, current_step: int = None): """ Updates the learning rate by taking a step. :param current_step: Optionally specify what step to set the learning rate to. If None, :code:`current_step = self.current_step + 1`. """ if current_step is not None: self.current_step = current_step else: self.current_step += 1 for i in range(self.num_lrs): if self.current_step <= self.warmup_steps[i]:[i] = self.init_lr[i] + self.current_step * self.linear_increment[i] elif self.current_step <= self.total_steps[i]:[i] = self.max_lr[i] * (self.exponential_gamma[i] ** (self.current_step - self.warmup_steps[i])) else: # theoretically this case should never be reached since training should stop at total_steps[i] = self.final_lr[i] self.optimizer.param_groups[i]['lr'] =[i]
[docs]def activate_dropout(module: nn.Module, dropout_prob: float): """ Set p of dropout layers and set to train mode during inference for uncertainty estimation. :param model: A :class:`~chemprop.models.model.MoleculeModel`. :param dropout_prob: A float on (0,1) indicating the dropout probability. """ if isinstance(module, nn.Dropout): module.p = dropout_prob module.train()